Local schools

The 20 schools within the Haywards Heath area have been working together for a number of years now. This collaboration has created strong links between the various schools and a number of collaborative projects have been delivered that have been of benefit to the pupils within our schools.

Our vision is that by working together we aim to provide every child within the Haywards Heath area with the best opportunities that we can, within the resource that we have, by fulfilling four main priorities:

  • To raise attainment and achievement of children and young people throughout our locality.
  • Maintain the ability to support the social and emotional welfare of all our children at all times but especially during transition stages by working with families and the wider community. Through this we will seek to support any child with additional needs through the whole spectrum from vulnerable and disadvantaged children to gifted and talented pupils through the provision of targeted collaborative projects.
  • Provide excellent professional development opportunities for all of our staff by working closely with the CPD collaborative and focussing on providing peer support and mentoring.
  • Achieve best value for money through joint purchasing of services and supplies.

For further details see www.centralmidsussexschools.co.uk.