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National Curriculum for Computing 2014

“A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.”

Computing curriculum statement

At Lindfield Primary Academy, we want to prepare all our children to contribute positively to our rapidly changing and increasingly digital world. By highlighting and exposing children to the breadth of technology around them, we aim for them to understand how it has shaped the modern world and begin to inspire children to imagine what they could do in the future.

Our Academy follows the programmes of study from the 2014 National Curriculum which specifies what to teach in each Key Stage. From this, our engaging curriculum map promotes a cross-curricular and creative approach to teaching computing. Our topics and other subjects provide meaningful and relevant contexts and opportunities for regular application of technology.

Our curriculum intent for Computing

It is our intent for all children at Lindfield Primary Academy to achieve personal success in using a range of technology confidently, competently and safely. In order to achieve this, they will

  • Know how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; including keeping personal information private, recognising acceptable / unacceptable behaviour and how to report concerns about content or contact.
  • Design, write, and debug programs to accomplish specific goals; working with variables and various forms of input and output.
  • Develop computational thinking; using logical reasoning to analyse a problem and plan out solutions; and decomposing them into smaller parts.
  • Use search technologies effectively and be discerning in evaluating digital content.
  • Understand how computer networks operate and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration.
  • Select use and combine a variety of software on a range of devices to design and create a range of content, including colleting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.

How we will implement our intentions

Lindfield Primary Academy follows the Purple Mash scheme of work which covers the whole primary curriculum with a clear structure of progression building on children’s previous knowledge. It uses resources embedded within the platform which allows pupils to save, combine and import content which can be shared across the school safely.

The Purple Mash platform is also used across the curriculum to embed the use of technology in other subjects.

The scheme is supplemented by additional lessons on computer networks; and the use of Spheros and BeeBots when creating computer programs.

Our team of Digital Leaders have completed the Childnet course on E Safety and regularly lead assemblies to reinforce important messages taught through the curriculum. They have been trained to support peers who may have concerns regarding E Safety and provide an excellent insight into current trends enabling staff to target teaching effectively. We also participate in Internet Safety day, making good use of yearly themes to raise the profile of different aspects of E Safety. This message is reinforced with Parent Workshops where advice on keeping children safe online are given in addition to a regular feature in our fortnightly newsletter. In addition to the Purple Mash E Safety lessons, further learning takes place as lesson ‘starters’ to maintain its profile.

We take part in Computer Science Week every year, during which parents who work in the world of technology are invited to share their role with the children. This is a fabulous opportunity for pupils to learn more about STEM opportunities and provide inspiration for possible career paths as well as further embedding our links with the community.

In addition to classroom computing learning, the Academy’s after-school provision also includes weekly STEM club run by an external company, Next Thing Education.